
Second Semester

The second semester can be an excellent time for a fresh start in any subject
area, however it’s also the time to build upon the knowledge learned from first
semester courses! Many subject areas, particularly the higher level subjects
such as chemistry, get more in depth during the second semester, and it becomes
imperative to recollect the knowledge you have already learned. Study Hut tutoring
offers one on one tutoring sessions that not only address the weekly assignments
and academic standards covered in a course, but also focus on reviewing key
concepts that students must practice in order to keep up with the new lessons
introduced daily! Flashcards and review quizzes are part of every tutoring session.
Flashcards are imperative in the process of helping students remember content,
and reviewing it before the big exams is an instrumental part in success. Subject
areas like Chemistry are filled with difficult vocabulary and formulas. Making
and retaining flash cards for review purposes helps students not only learn
new content but also helps them review previously learned content, that will be
needed in order to understand new material. Flash cards at Study Hut tutoring
are a daily ritual in many tutoring sessions that require the mastery of difficult
content, and the key to success in content areas such as Chemistry and Physics
where memorization of heavy academic content is a must! Review quizzes are
also a crucial tutoring strategy utilized at Study Hut tutoring to help students build
upon their foundational knowledge of an academic subject. Review quizzes are
tutor generated quizzes that draw upon newly learned content as well as past key
concepts in an intricate manner that begs the student to use their knowledge base to
connect between their acquired knowledge and newly introduced content. Review
quizzes not only provide practice with content but also help students connect the
dots in their academic study area in a profound manner that makes the entire
subject area clearer in comprehension!

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