
Foreign Language Learning Help

We know that learning a foreign language may be difficult for some students. Whether if you are learning Spanish, French, or any other foreign languages, the Study Hut is here to help. We have tutors who specialize in foreign language tutoring, and we are please to also offer you these following tips:

Study every day.
Try to set aside some time every day for your studies, ideally in the morning, when your brain is most receptive of learning. Also, try to study for 30 minutes every day than for 3 hours once a week to avoid brain overload.

Review regularly.
Go over each lesson several times, but give your brain time to digest the material. Try to make sure the gaps between periods of study are not too long, or you will forget most of what you’re trying to learn. Also, make sure you understand the contents of one lesson before moving on to the next.

Don’t be discouraged by apparent lack of progress.
You will find that at times you’re making fairly rapid progress, while at other times you seem to struggling. This is normal when learning a language, so don’t be discouraged. If you feel like you are making little or no progress, try going over earlier lessons and exercises to see if they’re easier now than when you first tried them.

Don’t worry about making mistakes.
You probably make the occasional mistake when speaking your native language, so making mistakes in a foreign language is nothing to worry about. What matters is getting your message across, not whether you use all the right words, inflexions, tenses, cases, etc. If you cannot think of the exact words, try using other ones.

Have fun.
Find ways to make language learning fun. This could involve games, songs, stories, tongue twisters, jokes and anything else you can think of.

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