A recent study shows that students who study hard all week and then go on to party on the weekends may lose a lot of what they learned. Carlyle Smith, a professor of psychology at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, researched the effects of sleep deprivation on learning by controlling the sleep of students the night they were taught a complex logic game and a list of paired words. Smith found that when students were tested on paired words a week later, there was no learning deficit among the students deprived of sleep, but when tested on a complex logic game, the students deprived of sleep showed a 30% learning deficit when compared to the groups of students not deprived of sleep.
So what’s the lesson learned here? STUDY HARD, TAKE IT EASY OR TAKE YOUR TESTS, REST A FEW DAYS, and then PARTY!
Have a good weekend!!
(Remember to study hard and not “party hard”!)