
Newport Harbor IB Program

Newport Harbor IB Program

Newport Harbor IB program

What is IB?

IB stands for International Baccalaureate which is a rigorous curriculum that is recognized by top universities worldwide. It covers a variety of subjects which are then tested through exams during eleventh and twelfth grades. Subjects are often integrated and the curriculum is discovery and investigative. IB is student oriented, interdisciplinary, and created with a global intent. While IB can be very difficult it can also create more international opportunities for Newport Harbor students. IB curriculum has a reputation at universities all over the world for its rigor and the type of students it produces. It is a globally accepted curriculum and students should heavily consider if planning on going to a university in another country.

What kind of commitment is IB?

International Baccalaureate is a two year commitment at Newport Harbor and students must fit the IB profile. IB is known for challenging students in reading, writing, and critical thinking.

What is the IB student profile?

Many Newport Harbor students fit the IB student profile. Students must be organized, motivated, have upstanding character, and be proficient in reading, writing, and critical thinking. Time management is key for IB Newport Harbor students.

Classes often have heavy workloads and require students to prioritize and manage their time wisely. IB can be very difficult, students need to be motivated in order to succeed and place a high priority on their education. Much of the IB curriculum is based in investigative and discovery learning. IB students typically have global interests.

How do I get started?

Students can apply to the Newport Harbor IB Program online here.

What if I need help with my IB classes?

Study Hut Newport Beach is here to help! We can help with content and time management. We want to help alleviate some of the stress that comes with the Newport Harbor IB Program and look forward to helping students excel.

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