
Raising Your Math Grade with One-on-One Math Tutoring


One of Study Hut's math tutors tutoring a young girl with glasses

Got a bad math grade? Don’t know why you or your loved one is struggling in math? Have you had some surprising test results lately or maybe difficulty managing homework tasks? Are you just looking to raise that B to an A but can’t quite figure out how? 

You’ve landed at Study Hut Tutoring, the best place in the South Bay for One-on-One math tutoring. We specialize in focused private tutoring sessions where we identify the unique strengths and weaknesses that each student possesses and use our tried and tested tutoring and studying methods to lead every student to a victory in math class. We’ve had success in The South Bay for over a decade!

Why One-on-One Math Tutoring?


So what exactly do you do when you realize your math grades are slipping? Usually people look first to their tests and the current material. They may not entirely know why they got the grade they got, regardless of whether it’s higher or lower than their normal scores. 

It’s common for students to kind of “hope and pray” when they aren’t entirely confident about new math material, because the truth is: they don’t really know whether they get it or not. This is where we come in. 

Our math tutors have gone over each chapter in all the math classes we tutor countless times. That means that when we give a practice test, for example, by observing a student’s work, we can clearly tell if they have mastered a given subject. Sometimes students never learned a concept from a few years ago, but won’t really know until someone points it out. This, in addition to actually learning current material, can present a variety of problems that can be confusing without the appropriate one-on-one guidance of an experienced tutor.

Why Choose Study Hut for Your Next Math Tutor


The process we use at Study Hut Tutoring begins with observations like those described above, but once those are made, there are a variety of tactics we use to get a student back on track. 

Cumulative Understanding

First of all, we will drill all past material until it is solidly understood. One thing about math which sets it apart from other subjects is that it is essentially cumulative. This means that if there are areas a student is weak on from past years those weaknesses will inevitably carry over and show up in later years – all material must be mastered. 

Organization & Study Habits

Secondly, we check for organization and study habits: does the student keep and use a planner diligently? How well do they organize their backpack, homework, and folders? Do they maintain a reasonable study schedule and do their homework every night? These basic habits are just as important as understanding the material, as another key aspect of math is practicing enough and regularly enough to drill the concepts cooly into your head. 

Regular Practice Tests

Finally, once the two components of understanding and organization skills are complete, we focus on regular practice tests. These tests are invaluable for students who otherwise would only find challenging problems in the actual test taking environment at school – most students are never challenged with tests before the actual tests! This is really a shame if you think about it, because being comfortable with the stress and skills of taking a test are just as important as knowing the material itself. Even if you don’t enroll, never forget to give practice quizzes to yourself or the person you’re trying to help.

Our Math Tutors Have a Proven Success Rate


Our success rate speaks for itself, as we have helped math students at every level from kindergarten to the end of high school with various math-related issues. We’ve seen grades go from F’s to A’s in some cases, but it’s not uncommon for a D to turn into a B, a C into a B, or a C or B into an A. We see both male and female students benefit at any level of skill or confidence. 

Sometimes it’s the least confident failing math student who turns out, by listening and applying what we teach carefully and thoroughly, to be a hidden math star all along. There is no grade too low to try tutoring and it is never too late!

Reach Out to Schedule a Session with a Math Tutor Near You


Call us – our management staff is always ready to welcome a new (or returning) student and help them and their family find a tutor and path that’s right for them. We usually start with a one hour session where they can get to know their new tutor and start the process of identifying what their strengths and weaknesses are. 

Whether you are located in El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, or Newport Beach, our experienced math tutors throughout the South Bay can help you or your child reach your full potential.

It can be a long process to raise a grade, so it’s never too early to start, but we guarantee results if a student persists. If you have any questions, or would like to request more information about a specific subject or problem, we’d be happy to discuss them with you. Contact us today!