
High School Entrance Exams: HSPT, COOPS, TACHS, ISEE

Tests are a fundamental part of the schooling system. They are the only standardized way to assess the progress of the school as well as the student.  Besides regular core curriculum tests there exist many widely
used state standardized tests that serve a number of purposes, primarily determining a student’s merit for acceptance into a higher grade level.  Within this diverse field of tests, there exists a category of test takers that are trying to be admitted into private schools, primarily Catholic High Schools. The three most common tests used to determine a student’s eligibility for entrance are the HSPT (High School Placement Test), the COOP (Cooperative Entrance Examination), the TACHS (Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools). All three of these tests last for little more than two hours and analyze the comprehension of language and reading skills, mathematics, and verbal and quantitative skills.  The HSPT in particular is known to be a very reliable test and is not restricted primarily to Catholic school admissions. Neither is the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Examination) test, which tests grades five through twelve and lasts for three hours. It is split up into three
parts: fourth and fifth graders testing for fifth and sixth, sixth and seventh graders testing for seventh and eighth, and eighth to eleventh graders testing for ninth through twelve. This test, as well as all the previously mentioned, test the same basic principles: reading, math, and language.  As a test is fundamental to school, studying is fundamental for a test.  Study Hut Tutoring can equip a student with the ability to go into the
testing room and attack the multiple choice and free-response with a level of confidence and assurance. Studying requires a certain skill and regimen in order to be successful, which most people don’t know. Tutors
at Study Hut have the ability to arm students with the key points of successful studying: outlining, goal setting, flash cards, etc. At the end of the day students will be able to waltz into the test taking area and come out feeling a great sense of accomplishment, all thanks to Study Hut Tutoring!

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