

January 16th, 2012

Ah, final exams. That glorious time of year. (I’m just kidding; I’ve heard finals called many things, and “glorious” has never been one of them). They are daunting, difficult, and above all, important to your final grade. But the good new is that they CAN BE BEATEN! (Huzzah!) It all depends on HOW you bring the fight to them. Luckily, that’s kind of a specialty here in the Study Hut.

Now, it’s difficult to write a catch-all strategy that will help you study for ALL of your finals. Mainly because you’re going to be using completely different methods for completely different tests. You wouldn’t study for a geometry test the same way you’d study for history. HOWEVER, there are similarities. Number one (and this should be completely obvious, but you’d be amazed how many people don’t do it): Give yourself enough time. Finals are not like other tests. You cannot start studying for them a few days before, and expect to be all right. Ideally, you should have started studying for each test AT LEAST 2 weeks before the test date. Remember, these tests include everything you’re studying now, PLUS everything else you’ve studied in the semester. You need time to review concepts, do practice problems, plan essays, ask questions, etc.

Number two: Organization. The very first thing you should do, before even cracking open your text book, is set up a schedule for yourself. This may sound like a chore, but you would not believe how much pressure it takes off of you. It’s a lot less scary to look at a list of things you need to accomplish than it is to stare at 6 months of notes and not know where to start. For example, I’m working with a student who has to study for a History final, covering 6 chapters and about 400 years of history. SO, we set up a schedule that he’d study exactly one chapter per night for six days (not too hard to do). Since he started so early (see Tip 1), by the time he’s done with those six chapters, he’s going to have a full week left before his test. Now, he can use that week to go more in depth, bring problems to his teacher, and make himself more confident before the test. It’s a lot easier to study a huge amount of material if you break it up into small pieces, and have ample time to do so.

And number three: Confidence. Finals are stressful. We’ve all been there. Make sure that you get a full night’s sleep the night before. And (this is huge), don’t go nuts cramming 15 minutes before the test. By that point, you know everything you’re going to know. Give yourself that 15 minutes to decompress. Just close the book, and trust in the fact that you’ve put in the proper work. You’d be amazing what a difference it makes to go calmly into a test.

If you follow this tips (and of course, come see your friends at your local, neighborhood Study Hut), you’ll greatly increase your chances at doing well on your final exams. Good luck!

Finals Tutoring at Peninsula High

January 12th, 2012

Finals week is a stressful time for every student, I help them prepare and ease the stress of a final exam. As they approach the end of every semester in high school and college students will need to summarize and review all the information that they have learned in the previous months. The AVID program at Palos Verdes Peninsula High School hires tutors from The Study Hut to come into classes and help students advance in their schoolwork. In addition to our weekly visits to AVID classes in Palos Verdes, I and several other tutors from The Study Hut are also having a four hour study session this Saturday before their finals next week. It is often difficult for inexperienced students to completely understand the impact a final exam can be on their semester grades. I specialize in math, physics and history tutoring; these and most other subjects have a cumulative final exam that requires substantial stud time. I help students find an effective way of studying and reviewing that works for their individual test. Once students are completely prepared for their test, finals week becomes much less stressful. Once the testing is over students are often rewarded by raising their class score an entire letter grade and that makes all their hard work worth it.

PV AVID Finals tutoring

January 11th, 2012

Study Hut tutors could not be more excited for the big Finals push. We have students from AVID coming in for private tutoring all week, but we also have a huge event scheduled for Saturday. As in years past, we will be hosting an all day tutoring and study session on campus at Palos Verdes High School. We will have access to multiple different classrooms, and tutors will get to go into different rooms and help students with the specific subjects they need most help with.

This year, there will undoubtedly be math tutoring, science tutoring (including biology tutoring and chemistry tutoring), history tutoring, from World History and EHAP to U.S. History, Government, and Economics tutoring. Math tutoring will include algebra tutoring, geometry tutoring, algebra 2 tutoring, pre-calculus tutoring, trigonometry tutoring, and maybe even some calculus and FTS tutoring.

We will also, of course, have English tutoring, writing tutoring for students with an upcoming final paper, Spanish tutoring (all levels), and probably a few other subjects as well.

The event is free (and required!) for all AVID students, and speaking from past experience, it is an extremely productive event for all students involved. The teachers always come to support, supervise, and offer their knowledge as well.

And best of all, we are getting El Taco Man ordered, so he will be showing up with his cart, and all the tacos any young man or woman can eat. Does it get any better than this? I think not. See you on Saturday.

New Year, New Attitude

January 2nd, 2012

The year of 2011 has been great for year for all us at The Study Hut and we hope to make 2012 even better! The students and tutors both had our 2 week break for the holidays to relax and recharge our batteries, but starting today everyone is back to the grindstone to work hard and even start putting a dent in accomplishing our New Years resolutions. Yet even more important for the students going back to classes tomorrow is the upcoming finals in the next few weeks. Finals are the time when students can really make or break their grades for the whole semesters so no matter what how much or how little work the students have put in the past 4 months a great showing on finals or totally bomb them can alter a students grade by almost a full letter grade. So that means for the couple weeks until the end of the semesters the students need to be on top of their game and working diligently towards scoring fantastically on their finals.

No matter what has gone on for the last 4 months of the semester, its time for the students to turn it up a notch and power through finals. That means taking great notes finding out as much as they can about what is going to be on the finals and what the best way to study them Hopefully the teachers will each give out study guides or at least give the students ideas of the material, but if they do not figuring out what is going to be on the end of the year test is not that tough. All that needs to be done is to go through all the the previous tests and quizzes for the whole semester and pick out the most important points that seem to show up constantly. I can guarantee most of the material on the finals will be repeated and seen before. Finals do not need to be a nerve-wracking crazy time, because with the right preparation and the right attitude finals should be thought or the last way to boost your grade easily with all old material. So for the next few weeks it would serve the students best to instead of always focusing on the future and new information, but to reflect back on all that they have learned in 2011 and make sure they can apply it all to the finals and ace them all.