
Great Finals Tutor Newport Beach

May 21st, 2012

As the year is winding down for elementary, middle, and high school students alike, it may not be the time to give up quite yet. The dreaded end of year tradition—finals—is just around the corner. With about four weeks left to study, now is the best time to start thinking about finals, especially with a tough curriculum, like Newport Harbor High School. Why spend the night before your test cramming a semester’s worth of information into your head? Why spend day after day last-minute-studying and not getting enough sleep?

Do your future self a favor—DON’T procrastinate. Start working on study tools now. Study Hut is a great place to start. Make a phone call and get to work with a cool Newport Beach tutor; someone who is fresh out of college–someone is already prepping with other students from Newport Beach. Start making those flashcards and study guides. A Study Hut tutor in Newport Beach can make sure you are focusing on the exact material that will be on your test. When it comes time to push yourself into full final-mode, all you’ll have to do is whip out those pre-made flashcards and study guides and get going. Sounds pretty stress-free compared to the coffee-drinking and study-snacking that would occur after four weeks of procrastination.

Start out by outlining a general study plan for each subject. Will you make a study guide or look over old tests for your history final? Will you memorize math formulas from practice problems or flashcards? Your local Newport Beach Study Hut tutor can help you get this process started. Once you have created an active study plan, you will only have to do a little bit of work each day to prepare.

Study now, so you can stress less and sleep more later.

New Study Hut Location In Newport Beach

April 11th, 2012
Call Us: (949) 226-1573

Attention! Study Hut Tutoring is now offering local one on one tutoring to High School, Middle School, and Elementary School Students in Newport Beach. We offer subject tutoring, test prep (SAT) (ACT) and College Admissions Packages.

We are open Monday through Thursday from 3:30pm to 8:30pm and Sunday by appointment only.

Our tutors are fresh out of college and we connect well with the kids. From your stressed out AP athlete, to your unenthused 5th grader, our staff tailors each hour of tutoring to meet your needs. We are enthusiastic and passionate about tutoring– this culture sets us apart. Come check out the cool vibe at the Hut!

For any questions please contact Sean Patrick

Phone: (949) 226-1573

Email: SP@studyhut.com

Or use the form on the right. Thanks!