
You Are Not the Subjects You Study

May 18th, 2011

As a parent, you know that your child is a complex individual, full of surprises.  You know their dreams and aspirations, their fears and dislikes, what influences and what motivates them.  You know that though they may grow bored at school, frustrated with teachers or affected by their peers, that if someone could find the key to tap into your child’s potential they would shine as brightly as they do in your eyes.  It is this uniqueness that we try to cultivate.  There are a few special ingredients that make Study Hut such a sweet place to learn and one of them is that we recognize each student’s individuality.  Tutors are paired students that allow us to foster genuine connections and have a real positive influence.  That’s why we enjoy being tutors.  While many of our tutors can teach multiple subjects, Study Hut takes the time to place students according to their personality and ambitions.  Seeing our students strive for the same goals we’ve have strived for inspires us and we pass this inspiration onto our students.

A real understanding of who your child is also helps us tutor more effectively.  Biology becomes a basketball team, physics becomes skate boarding and statistics becomes the probability the Lakers will win the championship (100%, of course!)  Students are no longer just another face in a sea of students but part of the Study Hut family.  Every child learns differently, and relates differently.  Parents know this for their children; tutors should know this for their students.  We don’t just teach a child, we teach your child.

The Art of Studying for Tests

May 12th, 2011

From 3rd graders to high schoolers to college students, there seems to be a major misconception about what it truly means to “study for a test.” The common definition seems to be “that thing you do the night BEFORE you actually take a test.” And you know what? Sometimes that works. If you’re studying spelling words, or memorizing a list, studying close to the test is definitely beneficial. But let’s face it, high schoolers and collegiates: you’re not studying for spelling tests any more. The subjects you’re working on are harder, and the ideas you’re learning are more complex. The material has changed, so the way you’re studying for it has to change too.

Here at the Study Hut, we try to find out tests dates as soon as is humanly possible. Most tests require AT LEAST a week of prep time to be truly prepared (especially if you’re in an AP or Honors class).  Some tests require more, some less. Of course, as the class goes on, you’ll discover how much time you need to prepare. But that amount of time is NEVER one evening. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you can’t guarantee a good grade off one night of studying.

My most successful students are the ones that make a plan, and follow through with it. For example, I recently had a student who had a Social Studies chapter test coming up. He wasn’t doing particularly well on tests, so we set up a plan. We set aside a certain amount of time each night so that he’d be studying only one section at a time. That way, the night before the test, HE HAD ALREADY STUDIED THE WHOLE CHAPTER! All he had to do that night was review the concepts he was having trouble with and strengthen his understanding. No cramming, no headaches. And he did markedly better on his test! He broke the work down into manageable bits over the course of a week, instead of stuffing everything into his head the night before. And it made all the difference.