Young people feel pressure in two dimensions: quality and time. Students, particularly AP students, feel that they must be the best within a finite amount of time called childhood. Try though we must to alleviate their burdens, there are a few cases in life where the pressure is real. Einstein’s theory of relativity predicted just such a union between the dimensions of pressure: college test prep.

Totally joking about Einstein’s theory (we offer AP Physics prep on his actual theory). But our team of nerds at Study Hut Consulting has a serious answer to the conundrum of the SAT and ACT. To master quality, we respond with one-on-one tutoring that’s tailored to each student’s strengths and weaknesses. To defeat time, we answer with experience. Our homemade courses are administered via online portal and workbook, achieving the constant feedback of online grading and the realism of paper tests. Each student progresses through our course in a unique order with unique emphasis, and completes many practice tests and problems along the way. As Bill Murray taught us in Groundhog Day, the easiest way to get a problem right is to have done it before.
Speaking of past experiences — as a student, I participated in Princeton Review’s SAT course. Having already scored very highly on their practice test, I was placed into the small, elite group that was likely to score perfect on the real deal. I was one of the lucky ones. But why should only those students with high first-time scores receive good tutoring? At Study Hut Consulting, we give every student one-on-one VIP treatment, regardless of their first attempt. We believe in the process. A student starting at 900 and one beginning at 1300 can both achieve hundreds of points of improvement in our college test prep. As tutors, we have the power to make both of those kids’ dreams come true. That’s why we do business.
But don’t take our word for it. We encourage our kids to do their due diligence, and we’d love for you to do the same. Stop on by for a free practice test and free consultation. You can reach us at (310) 379-1400 or practice those fill-in-the-blanks skills on our Contact Form, below. I’ll sign off this post with a College Test Prep Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
To guess on questions I cannot answer;
Courage to answer the ones I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.