

What is the deal with the New SAT?

Timeline: the revised SAT, or [rSAT], will be offered 7 times a year beginning March, 2016. The upcoming PSAT in October will be a shortened version of the [rSAT]–this PSAT is optional and scores come back 6-8 weeks after the test is administered at your high school.  Study Hut will offer the new [rSAT] in the fall alongside the ACT so students are able to experience the style of the new exam.

How can Study Hut Tutoring help?

Study Hut Tutoring offers free practice tests for the new SAT.  This means that once you fill out our contact form or give a call, we can sign you up for a free, full-length new SAT exam.  Once you’ve completed the exam, you get to go home, hang tight, and wait for us to grade the exam.  Don’t worry, we will call you once the exam is graded to set up a free 20-30 minute consultation to go over the entire exam.  During the meeting we will look at all of your strengths and weaknesses, and recommend the best course of action for you based on your score goal, your desired university you would love to attend, your current schedule, and how long you wish to train for the test.  We look forward to getting you geared up and ready for test day.

Content changes (the [rSAT] is now a lot like the ACT):

1.  The elimination of difficult vocabulary

2.  Added Emphasis on command of evidence

3.  Essay Analyzing a Source

4.  Math Focused on Three Key Areas

5.  Problems Grounded in Real World Contexts

6.  Analysis in Science and Social Studies

7.  Emphasis on Founding Documents and Great Global Conversation

8.  No Penalty for Wrong Answers

9.  Feel free to hit-us-up for more info or: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/

Now what?

Stick to the ACT.  Study Hut offers practice tests (previously proctored real ACT exams), free post-test consultations, small group-courses, and tailored one-on-one training. We know your kiddo, we’re masters of the ACT, and we’re here to help because we’ve been there and done that.

The New SAT

The New SAT


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