
South Bay SAT Tutoring

February 14th, 2011

It’s that time again. SAT season! This can be a time of tremendous anxiety for many, but it doesn’t have to be. Here at the Study Hut we work to prepare students for conquering this test. We focus on vanquishing the SAT and getting our students excited about college. Our approach is multifaceted and familiarizes students with the exam. Often our students are most nervous about the math section of the SAT. The Hut provides students with comprehensive materials to dust off older material and reinforce newer concepts. The most important thing is that students are familiar with the structure of the test, especially with the math section. When they know what to expect, students approach the SAT with more confidence and are more successful. We review everything from common denominators to parabolas!

Study Hut tutors will work side-by-side students to get them ready for the next stage of their lives! We will help make this potentially nerve racking time into one of excitement. Many of our students see their scores jump after preparing with us. We have many Redondo High and Palos Verdes High school students in our group course, as well as taking advantage of our one-on-one services. No matter their preference, our approach minimizes the stress and makes SAT prep more manageable. College is just around the corner!

Learning to Work to One’s Potential

April 30th, 2010

Yesterday was a busy Thursday. In fact, every school week there is a busy Thursday, whether you come to Study Hut Tutoring or not. With tests and quizzes, homework and projects, six classes of papers going in and out of the backpack everyday and all your friends jammed into one classroom, the task of managing a workload is impossible. Am I right? Let us take a quick look of how this impossible situation appears when our 8th grader Corey sits down for his tutoring hour. Corey is a very sharp student who is able to breeze through his pre-algebra assignments. He is very capable in other areas too. He is maintaining a strong grade in social studies, however, his grades dont reflect his intelligence.

So what is the matter? What do we do? How can we bump up these “C” grades up if Corey doesn’t need help with the actual subject matter? Lucky for Corey, the Study Hut knows exactly what to do. After speaking with his mom, I know she is frustrated with Corey’s sluggish performance around the house. So now Corey is at Study Hut, sitting down with me. The first thing I do is look at his daily planner. It is a bad sign when the whole thing is blank. The planner is the tool that fosters accountability, so if the planner is blank, Corey isn’t even accountable with himself, let alone with parents, teachers, and his tutor. The next step is manually going through the backpack. This is crucial to set the record straight and explain the reasoning and utility of behind using the daily planner.

After all, why do something if it doesn’t serve a greater purpose, save time, or help in the short term and in the long term. Young students are no different. You would never do a lot of things the right way if there was no direct or indirect benefit. After digging through every subject and organizing the folder, we see that there is a pile of old, completed work that can go into a folder and can be stashed away at home in the closet. The other pile was larger than I would like. This pile had a ton of incomplete work. Our plan from here on out at home everyday and at tutoring is as follows:

1)Write in the planner for every subject, during each class period, every week.

2) take notes each class period, everyday

3) make a list prior to tutoring of what we will be working on at Study Hut, and what will still have to be done at home.

4) Make one study tool (flashcards, outline, study guide, practice test) for each class each week.

5) show all of this to the tutor to remain accountable during bi-weekly tutoring sessions.

These simple tasks will, and have already started to, pull grades up, increase accountability, and lead to domination.

Students entering High School next year

April 1st, 2009


One-on-one summer program for 8th graders entering High School
As the end of the school year nears, it’s time to start thinking about the transition into a new high school. Bigger classes, different teachers for different classes, more homework, and more difficult material can be overwhelming if a student is not prepared to handle the stress of a new high school. Now is the time for eighth graders to sharpen their organization skills and develop new study tactics so they can stay on top of their work as they smoothly transition into ninth grade. Read the rest of this entry »

Importance of Math Tutoring

December 1st, 2008

In the teaching profession, the most asked question by students is “why do I have to know this?”  Ancient people, famous books, and complicated mathematical formulas appear to be an archaic way keeping children busy at school.  However, at Study Hut Tutoring we understand that while the concepts learned in such classes as Algebra and Geometry seem pointless, they are actually important pieces in a large puzzle that makes up a child’s education.  Every lesson taught and every formula memorized plays an important role in a student’s future.  A very simple example is that each individual mathematical concept builds on the one before it, in a process that prepares a students understanding for a college atmosphere (not just in math, but the sciences as well).  But even more importantly, these concepts collectively teach a student important lessons like problem solving, rational thinking, and study habits. Read the rest of this entry »


November 17th, 2008

Manhattan Beach kids have all kinds of commitments-chances are your son or daughter’s on a sports team, taking music lessons, or staying on campus for Madrigals or Model UN. More and more busy students find that a weekly appointment or two at the Study Hut keeps school on the agenda. That’s because Hut tutors are committed to your son or daughter’s academic success.

Our energetic young staff comprises recent college graduates who grew up in the South Bay and attended Grand View Elementary, Meadows Elementary, Pacific Elementary, Pennekamp Elementary, Robinson Elementary, Circle of Love, Manhattan Academy, Del Sol, American Martyrs, Rolling Hills Preparatory, Manhattan Beach Middle School, Chadwick, and Mira Costa. Not only can our tutors explain trig functions, but we know what you mean when you say Mr. Rucker’s the hardest teacher at MBMS-and we know just how to prepare your daughter for his multiple choice. Read the rest of this entry »

Signing up at Study Hut

October 15th, 2008

HutOnBeachwww.StudyHut.com has a contact page!  Click to fill it out, and we can call you!

If you are having trouble in school or even just one class, the tutors at Study Hut can help you get organized and improve your grades so you can understand more and reduce stress. Read the rest of this entry »

SATs this Fall at Study Hut Tutoring

September 9th, 2008

310 540 5888
210 Avenue I Ste. D
Redondo Beach, CA

Preparing for the SAT doesn’t have to be like boot camp–at the Study Hut in South Redondo Beach trained tutors use effective methods to get students focused and prepared for the SAT.  Students in PV, Redondo, and Torrance have so much pressure and stress in their lives that studying for the SAT seems impossible, but the structured, focused SAT curriculum at the Study Hut helps them improve their scores without the pressure of a boot camp setting.  Students can work individually or in groups to really learn and understand the material that the College Board requires so they can reach their full potential score on the College Board Exams.  Some students struggle with standardized tests, and their SAT, SAT II, or ACT scores do not accurately reflect their intelligence.  Read the rest of this entry »

Summer Tutoring at Study Hut Tutoring

July 8th, 2008

Study Hut Tutoring individually tailors instruction to all ages. Our local and comfortable study culture enriches students in order to dominate on tests and raise grades. The Study Hut team fuels the ambition of students who have “cooled off” academically, as well as students who are eager to learn organizational and study systems which make school easy.

Chemistry students, to name one tough subject, are working effectively with local college graduates who attended the same class as their students. Elementary and middle school students are learning how to write a strong high school essay, a format that works with any topic. Bruce, a favored local tutor and product of the Manhattan Beach school system, comments about the goings on at the Hut. “Locals who train locals is not a new idea…coaches have been training kids outside of school for a long time. We have added academia to the list of summer activities in which to train.”

Hermosa Beach tutor

May 28th, 2008

Call: (310) 546-2408


Over the summer, many students from Hermosa Valley School are coming to Study Hut Tutoring to work on math. The tutors at the Hut will tailor the following curriculum to each student upon arrival at Study Hut.


Palos Verdes tutor: local and professional

May 27th, 2008

Palos Verdes  students flock in droves to the Redondo Riviera for coffee, food, and knowledge.  Local tutors who have been in students shoes call Study Hut Tutoring, “…a refreshing breath of fresh knowledge, tailored one-on-one instruction, and chill environment.”  Located in the heart of the Redondo Beach Riviera, Study Hut Tutoring provides service to students who attend Palos Verdes High School, Peninsula High School, Rolling Hills Prep, Chadwick and Redondo Union High School.

The local and experienced tutors work with middle school and high school students on math, science, reading comprehension, test preparation and study skills.  Study Hut tutors are Palos Verdes Estate tutors.  Study Hut tutors are local Peninsula tutors who have been there and done; they know how to help in the most effective, directed way.

All of the local Palos Verdes tutors at Study Hut tutoring tailor to each individual student.  If help is needed with the SAT or ACT test, the best knowledge is dished out at the Hut.

Give Study Hut Tutoring a call. Study Hut focuses on the needs of each student.  Results are achieved through interacting on a one-on-one level.