
Pre-Calculus Tutoring

Many students find pre-calculus to be one of the most difficult courses they take in high school. At the Study Hut we work with students to help them develop a more positive outlook on the subject. We find that the reason most students struggle with pre-calculus is because they are lacking knowledge of the more basic mathematical principles. We work to get the students up to speed with basics, such as the unit circle and trigonometric functions, so that they can become successful math students.

Another obstacle students face is finding enough time to study for classes and participate in extracurricular activities. We are able to help students with this problem by decreasing the amount of time that they have to spend studying. It’s much more efficient to have a tutor explain a concept than to have the student figure it out on their own. This leaves the students with more time to dedicate to their other activities.

Students enjoy coming to the Study Hut because of the relaxed atmosphere and friendly tutors. We turn learning into a positive experience for the students so that they will come to enjoy learning. The tutors are all young and have all had academic success, which allows them to be more successful tutors. They are able to pass on the study techniques and knowledge that they have acquired.

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