
Spanish tutoring for middle school students

Many students come to Study Hut because they are struggling with Spanish. They struggle with the verbs since they forget how to conjugate all the verbs they have been learning throughout the year, and they also forget their vocabulary.

Some students come right before their finals hoping that in an hour we can get them ready for their finals. It takes a little more time to get a student ready for a test unless they have studied, done all their homework and reviewed all their material before they’ve come. If that is the case, our tutors can do some practice tests and get the students ready. Otherwise, we go over all their questions and do some practice tests to try to find their weaknesses and focus on these, so that when the student leaves, they have all questions answered and can go home and review what we have done including all the practices tests.

Some students come on a weekly basis. We go over their vocabulary, verbs, homework and pronunciation. However, some students don’t go over what we have done at home, and wait until next time they come to do Spanish again. When they come back, we have to go over what we did in the prior week since they forgot some of it and to go over what they are learning for the current week. We encourage students to review their work, practice tests and vocabulary at home, so we can do more practice tests and review their material here. Some students do their work at home, so when they come, we just move forward.

We emphasize every time a student comes that it is very important that they do their work, review their material and study at home. That way we move forward every time, and the student feels more confident since they have a solid base.

A student has to put time and effort to improve. They also have to study at home. At Study Hut, we help by answering all their questions, doing flash cards on the verbs and vocabulary they don’t know. We also do practice tests to go over what they are working on and find what they have the most trouble with, so that we can focus on that until the student understands it 100%. And, next time they come, we will go over their weaknesses again to make sure they haven’t forgotten. We work very closely with the students to make sure they learn Spanish and not just pass the class.

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